Gordon Ramsay, known for his no-nonsense attitude, recently took his culinary critique to the world of daytime television, specifically “The View.” During his guest appearance, Ramsay minced no words, likening the show’s discussions to poorly assembled dishes and the content as “rancid.”
His frankness didn’t stop on air; Ramsay continued his criticism on social media, calling for the show’s cancellation under the hashtag #CancelTheView. While some praised his honesty, others felt he’d crossed a line by critiquing a field outside his expertise.
In a surprising turn, Ramsay’s comments sparked petitions for a new show featuring him discussing daily topics. The potential series, titled “The Real Raw View with Gordon Ramsay,” gained significant support.
“The View” producers are reportedly considering ways to revamp the show, including introducing a cooking segment. As for Ramsay, he’s back in his kitchen, likely relishing the stir he’s caused both in and out of the culinary world. The fate of “The View” remains uncertain, but Ramsay’s critique won’t soon be forgotten.